My intended audience is new teachers entering the field of early childhood in the area of preschool. My passion is preschool, so I intend on using all my knowledge and education to train newcomers to be their best walking into this great profession. I had a wonderful mentor who showed me the ropes when I first started and I want to share that with all who want to listen. I enjoy working with new teacher because I feel they are like blank slates waiting for someone to apply an array of beautiful colors to their canvas. Another reason I like working with this group is because they are so eager to learn and apply what they have learned this is not always true of teachers who have been in the field for a while. They seem to need a little more persuasion, but give me a little longer whit them and I believe that they will come around too.
This was my very first time using Prezi. I like that there were so many templates to choose from and so many different ways to create and/or re-crate one. It became a little much at times with all that moving around. I got lost here and there, but was able to find my way back to what I needed to do. I tell you what though; it is very time consuming. I played with this thing for a week. My real problem is having too much information to share, but not wanting to overwhelm you all with an overload of information. I had to figure out what to cut and what to keep. I hope you enjoy what you see. Leave a comment on what you think after you preview my Prezi down below.
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