The Khan Academy at first was too much to take in at first. I was not expecting to go through the whole process of creating a avatar and all that just to visit the site. I mean, let me see if I'm interested in whats being offered first. I was just a little annoyed. I had to take a deep breath and start with a fresh view. I had to look at it as if I were a parent looking for a tool or site to help my child. Or as if I was looking for some additional self motivating help. After being on the site for a while it just seemed like too much information, but the videos and mini quizzes were really good. I found myself going through the whole subject of patterns and calling my son in to share the one video with him. I could and would encourage my student to use this web site with a specific subject in mind.My son said he was going to add it to his favorite folder to refer to later. The videos are very easy to follow and engage in. I love how after every other video you get a quiz to test your knowledge or recap the subject information. I do believe in Khans vision/theory of credentialing by use of technology and it is more assessable to students and parent to be more hands on and interactive with their child's education. All in all this is a web site that I give two thumbs up and is now on my list or recommendations. (👍 👍 for Khan)
Visiting the Coursera website I found that it was easy to move about and matriculate throughout the site. The homepage is clear a made for any and all types of users. Having the names of the colleges could be nothing more than a plus. That caught my daughters eye foe a quick second. She saw Stanford and almost broke here neck. Sadly none of the courses offered caught my eye; moreover, none about the site called any real interest to me. I am not that kind of learner. Online courses are hard for me, because I am more of an interactive learner and tend to shy away from doing to much of anything online. This semester I have really bit off more than I can chew by taking three online courses. Yikes! I feel like if I was taking only online courses I would be no good at retaining anything no matter how hard I tried. I started this assignment late, so I was unable to dig deep enough to see if Columbus State accepted Coursera credentials. I would say yes though be cause I had a CDA credential that transferred over into college credits here at Columbus State. I did find something from 2013 about Coursera contacting Columbus State trying to address concerns about incorrect placements English and Math classes. That leads me to further believe that this is true. The courses do not seem to be more challenging, they just don't seem to be for me and how I learn, but don't let me make your mind up. Please give them a honest review for your self. I do think that this might be the new wave in education, I'm just glad I am out in front of it before it completely takes over. (👍 👎 mixed feeling about this one)
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